July 17, 2024

Stress Management and Lagree: Finding Balance

Stress Management and Lagree: Finding Balance

By Danielle Rosario

Does Working Out Help with Stress?

In our fast-paced world, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many of us. From work-related pressures to personal challenges or the constant buzz of technology, stress can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being. 

Instead of focusing on eliminating stress entirely—which would be impossible—we should focus on managing and reducing it. 

There are many options for coping with stress, from adequate sleep to spending time with loved ones, and no one right answer. The best way to reduce your stress is a personal preference. But one of the top contenders for managing stress is physical activity. That’s why we’re about to explore the connection between exercise and stress and how to utilize your workout as a stress reducer.

Understanding Stress and Its Impact

It might be hard to believe, but stress isn’t inherently bad. It’s our body’s response to external demands. However, when it goes unchecked, stress can evolve into chronic stress, which can lead to a plethora of health issues.

The underlying cause of so many health conditions comes back to stress, and how it manifests in your body varies from person to person. From physical effects to emotional and behavioral effects, and even long-term health consequences, unmanaged stress can really take a toll on you. 

Here are a few examples of the effects of stress:

1. Physical Effects:

  • Headaches
  • Muscle tension or pain
  • Fatigue
  • Upset stomach 
  • Weakened immune system
  • Sleep problems

2. Emotional and Behavioral Effects:

  • Anxiety & depression
  • Irritability
  • Lack of motivation or focus
  • Avoidance behavior
  • Overeating or undereating
  • Angry outbursts

3. Long-Term Health Consequences:

  • Cardiovascular issues: high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke
  • Metabolic disorders: obesity and type 2 diabetes
  • Unhealthy coping mechanisms: substance abuse or other unhealthy behaviors

From insomnia to anxiety to heart disease, the effects of stress can be disastrous. When stress hormones flood our system, it affects our muscles, heart rate, and overall energy levels. Recognizing stress triggers and their impact is crucial for maintaining balance.

How Lagree Can Reduce Stress

Lagree offers plentiful benefits as a high-intensity, low-impact workout. But today, we’re focusing on one special benefit—a closer look at how exercise can reduce stress.  

  1. Endorphin release: Lagree workouts stimulate endorphin production—the body’s natural mood enhancers. These “feel-good” chemicals reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being. This release of endorphins alone is enough to put exercise at the top of the list of great ways to reduce stress.
  2. Breath awareness: Pay attention to your breath during Lagree exercises. Deep, rhythmic breathing calms the nervous system.
  3. Mind-body connection: The Lagree method emphasizes mindful movement. As you focus on precise muscle engagement, you disconnect from daily stressors and immerse yourself in the present moment. Plus, the slow tempo that characterizes Lagree is a huge plus for enhancing focus on the mind-body connection.
  4. Muscle tension release: Lagree’s slow, controlled movements also help elongate muscles, which helps release tension. The Megaformer’s unique design targets deep stabilizing muscles, which helps promote relaxation.

The combination of feel-good chemicals, a focus on the mind-body connection, the release of tension, and increased relaxation makes Lagree a strong choice for stress reduction.

Integrating Lagree Into Your Stress Management Routine

With a better understanding of how exercise can reduce stress, it’s now up to you to implement workouts like Lagree into your schedule. 

Want in on the key to incorporating Lagree into your stress-busting regimen? Our good ol’ friend, consistency. 

You can always count on consistency to help you achieve your goals. The idea of a routine goes hand in hand with the concept of consistency. It’s something that’s done on the regular, a fixed schedule or series of events. 

Aim for 2–3 Lagree sessions per week to reduce stress and cash in on many other health benefits. 

While most instructors will help ensure post-workout stretching occurs, make sure to take it upon yourself to stretch after class. Taking just a few minutes goes a long way. A cool-down stretch helps prevent muscle tightness and lowers the risk of injury. 

How Lagree Community Can Aid in Managing Your Stress

There have been many studies done on happiness and well-being over the years. While many factors contribute to a person’s happiness, a sense of community is unarguably a major one. 

This is no surprise, for as humans, we are innately social beings. And naturally, our stress levels affect our overall health and wellness. There’s typically a correlation between happy, healthy people and lower stress levels. So, it makes perfect sense that belonging to a Lagree community is a great way to support you in managing stress. 

Lagree studios are close-knit communities and pride themselves on creating a supportive atmosphere. Here’s how joining your local Lagree studio can help you:

  • Social connection: Meeting individuals with a shared interest provides emotional support. Sharing experiences and challenges can alleviate stress.
  • Accountability: Knowing you’re part of a community encourages consistency. You’re less likely to skip workouts when others expect to see you.
  • Sense of belonging: Being a part of a group helps promote a sense of belonging and reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Inspiration and motivation: Your fellow Lagree-lovers can help push you to your best. When you’re struggling in class and want to come out of an exercise and take a break, sometimes just a glance over at the person on the Megaformer next to you, absolutely crushing it, will help you stick it out.


Lagree isn’t just about sculpting a strong body—it’s so much more than that. Sure, it’s a fantastic workout, but it’s also a holistic approach to overall wellness. 

By integrating Lagree into your routine and tapping into its stress-reducing benefits, you’ll find balance amidst life’s chaos. 

With everything moving so quickly in our world today, savor that hour in the studio and enjoy every moment on the Megaformer

Remember to breathe deeply, relax into the slow Lagree tempo, and let the stress melt away one controlled movement at a time. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Join our community and sign up for your first class!

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